DLT’s “SMaRT” CRM Solution

When your marketing department generates more than 38,000 leads annually, you had better make sure you have a dedicated customer relationship management (CRM) system in place to handle that kind of volume. At DLT, we ensure efficiency and accuracy for customers and vendor partners with our custom-made CRM solution, SMaRT. SMaRT was developed from scratch utilizing internal IT resources and is designed to house an extensive database of customer information including all historical communications, purchase orders and payment correspondence. And customized reporting features are synchronized with the SMaRT, allowing for greater analysis of customer purchasing cycles and order processing.

DLT Pays Homage to our Longest Tenured Employee

We didn’t slip and fall into our success over the past 20 years. We were propelled here by the hard work of our employees. As we celebrate our 20th anniversary, it’s important to pay homage to those employees who’ve helped us along the way. For more than half the time we’ve been serving the public sector, one employee in particular has been a standout. As DLT’s longest tenured employee, Deanna Lindquist joined our family in March of 1999.

Federal IT on a Budget – An Award-Winning Marketing Campaign

The Federal IT market is saturated with events-based marketing programs – with weak value propositions for the government customer. So, how do you get Feds to show for a new show? More than just a show, how do you engage Federal IT decision makers around key issues to establish important relationships and qualify sales leads? DLT, and its partner Red Hat, wanted to develop an impactful, high-value, and high-credibility marketing program to cut through the clutter and engage Federal IT decision makers on an issue which is central to their mission in a time of fiscal austerity. That program was Red Hat’s “Federal IT on a Budget” Program.

DLT Teams up with Symantec for Data Security Solutions

In 1991 we set out to align ourselves with the most prominent IT software and hardware manufacturers in the world. The solutions offered by our best-in-class vendor partners would allow us to confidently support our public sector clients to the best of our ability while helping them achieve their agency missions. That objective took us to 2001 when DLT aligned ourselves with VERITAS, the market leader in data storage, through VERITAS’S GSA Agent Program. The GSA Agent Program was designed to give any authorized VERITAS reseller a vehicle for Federal Government business when no contract vehicle existed.

Over $500 Million Strong. Rick Marcotte Named 2009’s “Executive of the Year” by Everything Channel

When Rick Marcotte came on board as President and CEO of DLT Solutions back in 2004, he set a goal for himself. To take DLT from a $300 million company, to a company generating $500 million in revenue, within five years. Through our own sales and marketing efforts, not only did Rick meet the goal, he did so one year early. It’s because of accomplishments like this Rick was named “Executive of the Year" by Everything Channel in 2009. The Award was presented at the VAR500 awards gala in New York City, which brings together North America's top information technology (IT) solution providers. The eighth annual 2008 VARBusiness Awards honored the 500 companies that earned a spot in the ranking and also singled out 16 solution providers for special recognition.

DLT Employees Rally around Coworkers in their Time of Need

You can’t under stress the importance of having a good support system in place when you’re battling a potentially life-threatening illness. In 2008, the then Director of the Enterprise Platforms was diagnosed with testicular cancer. DLT employees along with The DLT Foundation knew it was important to let him know he wasn’t alone in his fight. We hosted an event where employees had the opportunity to shave their heads in solidarity with our coworker who had lost his hair during cancer treatment.

DLT Solutions’ websites – Then and Now

The images of DLT Solutions’ old website serve as a nice little time capsule of the early days of the internet. Looking back, it’s hard to imagine how, as Internet users, we ever got through our daily surfing regiments with so little Web page functionality. But as more and more people turn to websites as their primary source for information, it’s clear a company’s website is often times their best asset to deliver information more fluently to their customers and employees. That’s why DLT launched our current website in Fall 2010.

DLT Solutions Turns 20 – Celebrating Success with Our Partners & Customers

With an IT budget in the hundreds of billions of dollars annually, it’s no surprise that many organizations compete for the coveted business opportunities within the public sector IT space. For two decades, DLT Solutions has provided government agencies and business customers with state-of-the-art technology products, services and solutions. And beginning in August of this year, DLT is celebrating its 20 year anniversary of successfully providing the best possible information technology solutions to our customers. In the past 20 years, we have learned quite a bit about the challenges and opportunities of selling and marketing to the government; from aligning ourselves with top-tier manufacturers to provide systems integrators, resellers, and end customers with best-in-class software, hardware, and the services to make them both work. And, at the same time, provide our manufacturer partners with award-winning, best-in-class, sales, marketing and operational support.

The DLT Cloud Advisory Group Removes the Cloud “Shroud of Mystery”

Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime. At DLT we’ve adhered to that popular Chinese proverb in order to better inform our customers about cloud computing solutions. While it is clear that cloud technology offers many benefits, it is often unclear for users and agencies to know where they should start in architecting cloud for their organization. There's a lot of messaging out there around cloud, some of it's rather conflicting or confusing, so at DLT we're trying to demystify some of the cloud marketing that's out there and separate reality from marketing, to enable our customers to leverage this technology to really draw better efficiencies within their IT.

Aged and Confused – Rick and the Gang’s Inner Rock Star

CEO by day, rocker by night. OK, not exactly. But when our President and CEO Rick Marcotte takes stage and channel his inner rock star, he doesn’t disappoint. As a talented drummer, throughout high school and college Rick was a bit of a budding rock star. In fact, a large number of the Senior Management team have musical backgrounds. Russ Holmes, Senior Vice President of the Enterprise Applications division plays bass; Chris Laggini, Vice President of Human Resources and Jim Helou, Vice President of the Autodesk Government/Geospatial Data Systems Division both play guitar. Add in the rest of the senior management team as backup singers or tambourine/cowbell players, and collectively, they’re the DLT house band, Aged and Confused.