Aged and Confused – Rick and the Gang’s Inner Rock Star

CEO by day, rocker by night. OK, not exactly. But when our President and CEO Rick Marcotte takes stage and channel his inner rock star, he doesn’t disappoint. As a talented drummer, throughout high school and college Rick was a bit of a budding rock star. In fact, a large number of the Senior Management team have musical backgrounds. Russ Holmes, Senior Vice President of the Enterprise Applications division plays bass; Chris Laggini, Vice President of Human Resources and Jim Helou, Senior Vice President of the Autodesk Government/Geospatial Data Systems Division both play guitar. Add in the rest of the senior management team as backup singers or tambourine/cowbell players, and collectively, they’re the DLT house band, Aged and Confused.   “It’s kind of funny, some of the DLT folks encouraged me and a couple of the members of the executive team to dust off our musical talent, said Rick. “We played three songs a couple of years ago at the company holiday party under the band name ‘Aged and Confused’, which was a twist on the Led Zeppelin song ‘Dazed and Confused.’  Oddly enough, we’ve been asked back for an encore performance in 2011, so I guess we weren’t horrible.  But I won’t be giving up my day job and heading for ‘American Idol’ anytime soon.” Aged and Confused is just one example of how the approachability of our Senior Management Team goes beyond the standard open door policy. And seeing the company’s leaders let loose and kick back like that really helps enforce DLT’s “work hard, play hard” philosophy. The DLT 20th Anniversary Art Piece.