The DLT Cloud Advisory Group Removes the Cloud “Shroud of Mystery”

Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime. At DLT we’ve adhered to that popular Chinese proverb in order to better inform our customers about cloud computing solutions. While it is clear that cloud technology offers many benefits, it is often unclear for users and agencies to know where they should start in architecting cloud for their organization. There's a lot of messaging out there around cloud, some of it's rather conflicting or confusing, so at DLT we're trying to demystify some of the cloud marketing that's out there and separate reality from marketing, to enable our customers to leverage this technology to really draw better efficiencies within their IT. To achieve this, we formed the DLT Cloud Advisory Group in 2011, a knowledge practice designed to provide public sector customers with technical and product support related to cloud computing. The DLT Cloud Advisory Group provides customers with knowledge and advice through one-on-one discussions, technical articles, and educational events, including the five-part webcast series Fundamentals Of Cloud Computing, hosted by DLT’s chief technology officer Van Ristau and chief cloud technologist David Blankenhorn. The series covered the basics of cloud computing, including Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), as well as common cloud security concerns. There’s still a lot of mystery out there about cloud computing. The DLT Cloud Advisory group was designed to remove the cloud shroud of mystery and help you decide what cloud solution is best for your agency.  Need advice?  Give them a call at 1-855-CLOUD-01 (855-256-8301) or email  The DLT Cloud Advisory Group is ready to answer your questions. The DLT 20th Anniversary Art Piece.