Over $500 Million Strong. Rick Marcotte Named 2009’s “Executive of the Year” by Everything Channel

When Rick Marcotte came on board as President and CEO of DLT Solutions back in 2004, he set a goal for himself. To take DLT from a $300 million company, to a company generating $500 million in revenue, within five years. Through our own sales and marketing efforts, not only did Rick meet the goal, he did so one year early. It’s because of accomplishments like this Rick was named “Executive of the Year" by Everything Channel in 2009. The Award was presented at the VAR500 awards gala in New York City, which brings together North America's top information technology (IT) solution providers. The eighth annual 2008 VARBusiness Awards honored the 500 companies that earned a spot in the ranking and also singled out 16 solution providers for special recognition. DLT Solutions was also recognized as number 126 in the VAR500, which ranks the leading revenue producers among technology integrators and technology Solution Provider organizations in North America, based on gross worldwide revenue of hardware and software sales, as well as earnings from professional and managed information technology (IT) services. "I have great respect for DLT Solutions and really admire the job that Rick Marcotte has done in leading that company and delivering results," said Robert C. DeMarzo, senior vice president and editorial director, Everything Channel. "Their execution of demand generating customer touches, sales processes, marketing integration, and the rigor in which they measure and manage their business is unparalleled in the industry.” So what is the next “five-year” goal for DLT? “That’s a great question,” said Rick. “We hit the half-billion mark a year earlier than planned, but we haven’t at this point set the $1 billion revenue goal mark. Our strategy now is much more complex than just a revenue goal; it’s a services capability to deliver full blown solutions to a broader set of customers.” The DLT 20th Anniversary Art Piece.