DLT Employees Rally around Coworkers in their Time of Need

You can’t under stress the importance of having a good support system in place when you’re battling a potentially life-threatening illness. In 2008, the then Director of the Enterprise Platforms was diagnosed with testicular cancer.  DLT employees along with The DLT Foundation knew it was important to let him know he wasn’t alone in his fight. We hosted an event where employees had the opportunity to shave their heads in solidarity with our coworker who had lost his hair during cancer treatment. Later that year another employee, Vinny Poliseno, was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, a cancer of the lymphoid tissue. The Friday before Vinny was scheduled to begin his chemotherapy treatment, DLT employees rallied around him to show their support. We hosted Hug-A-Vinny day – a takeoff from carnival kissing booths. Employees made donations to The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society in exchange for the opportunity to hug one of their coworkers before he started what is for many, a scary journey. The fundraiser helped raise over $1,200 for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society while showing Vinny he wasn’t alone in his battle. The DLT 20th Anniversary Art Piece.