DLT Pays Homage to our Longest Tenured Employee

We didn’t slip and fall into our success over the past 20 years. We were propelled here by the hard work of our employees. As we celebrate our 20th anniversary, it’s important to pay homage to those employees who’ve helped us along the way. For more than half the time we’ve been serving the public sector, one employee in particular has been a standout. As DLT’s longest tenured employee, Deanna Lindquist joined our family in March of 1999. “12 ½ years of my life have been dedicated to DLT Solutions.  DLT has given me a career, vast knowledge, and the experience of working with so many great people throughout the years, that I am still friends with to this day,” said Deanna. “One thing that has always remained the same is the family-like feeling and everyone working towards one goal. I am proud to work at DLT Solutions and look forward to another successful 20 years!” To show employees like Deanna our appreciation towards their commitment to DLT, we created the DLT Employee Service Recognition Awards Program. The Program is designed to retain our talented and committed workforce by rewarding employees for the valuable contributions they have made to the Company throughout their tenure. The Program rewards employees at their 4 year and 8 year anniversaries. As for the reward itself? It’s whatever the employee chooses up to a $2,500 and $5,000 value, respectively.   Plus, in Deanna’s case, we have done a little something extra to celebrate her 10th and 12th anniversary. The DLT 20th Anniversary Art Piece.