
Conversations about modernization in government span decades. Lawmakers have passed policies to spur it, funding structures have been tested to support it and there are models for cabinet-level agencies to follow.


Data governance has evolved significantly in the last few years and simply doing the bare minimum to comply with regulatory demands just won't cut it anymore. Download Informatica's whitepaper below to understand how you can make the most of intelligent data governance for your agency with the help of automation and machine learning today.


Together, the comprehensive, automated Informatica and DataWalk solutions help agencies quickly, easily, and efficiently gain real insights from their data. By partnering with us, you can be a hero to your agency clients–delivering the analytics technology they need without costly, time-consuming customization.


Today’s digitally transformed IT needs a backup and recovery solution that has kept pace with the demands of our digital world. Unfortunately, the truth is that backup is often treated as a burdensome overhead or a passive insurance policy rather than a source of strategic value.


Data has exploded in volume and become scattered across multiple public clouds, data centers, remote offices, and the edge, with little global oversight. In each of these locations, data has become isolated in specialized infrastructure—often from multiple vendors—to manage basic functions such as backup, networking, storage, archiving, disaster recovery, dev/test, and analytics.


With multiple point products that lead to data fragmented across silos, managing backup and recovery is not only hard—it’s costly too. Cohesity simplifies backup and recovery with a single software-defined solution.


Eliminate data silos and boost the value of all your data — at lower TCO — with Cohesity for backup and recovery of your traditional and modern data sources on a single platform.


IBM i2 products, particularly IBM i2 Analyst Notebook, have served organizations well for decades. However, for those looking to move on to a modern, scalable, collaborative, and cost-effective Enterprise-class system, DLT can offer excellent alternatives with DataWalk.


In response to the coronavirus ("COVID-19") pandemic, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) made an unprecedented call for agencies to maximize telework flexibilities, resulting in 78 percent of the federal workforce working remotely.


Mission accomplishment by US federal agencies depends on the performance, availability, and security of IT applications. The primary technology deployed to meet these requirements is called an application delivery controller (ADC) more commonly known as a load balancer. There are several key issues to consider when comparing top load balancer manufacturers for federal government use and ownership strategy that can significantly impact Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) and Return on Investment (ROI).


Cloud Pak solutions enable you to easily deploy modern enterprise software either on-premises, in the cloud, or with pre-integrated systems and quickly bring workloads to production by seamlessly leveraging Kubernetes as the management frame­work supporting production-level qualities of service and end-to-end lifecycle management.


This whitepaper describes four key practices for database teams to adopt when evolving their database development process to follow a DevOps approach. For teams who are already following a DevOps approach it serves as a way to check that best practices are being following.


This whitepaper outlines how organizations can introduce compliant database DevOps by transforming some of the processes involved in four key areas: Standardized team-based development, Automated deployments, Performance and availability monitoring, Protecting and preserving data.


This whitepaper reveals the benefits, and demonstrates how their appeal changes when viewed from the perspective of a CEO, a CIO, or an IT manager.


A comprehensive list of essential network security controls mapped to NIST requirements.
