Blackboard is a partner in change for corporate training and federal and municipal government. At Blackboard, we have a legacy of learning. With 20 years of experience in educational technology, we’re dedicated to providing today’s diverse employees and learners with the flexible professional development, training, and online learning that they need to be successful. Our learning platforms are built on the fundamentals of how people learn, enabling learning online, on demand, and in real time. Through our innovative technology and services, we help organizations turn learning into a strategic advantage. Owned by Providence Equity, Blackboard serves over 16,000 clients across 90 countries reaching 100 million users.

Blackboard Ally - Making course content accessible

  • Using inclusivity, sustainability, and automation as its key pillars, Blackboard Ally is a revolutionary product that focuses on making digital course content more accessible. By creating an inclusive learning environment, you provide equal opportunity for employee success, improve employee satisfaction, and increase employee productivity.

Blackboard Collaborate - Collaborative learning creates engagement

  • Blackboard Collaborate sets the standard for training collaboration in government agencies. Built for learning, our fully redesigned web conferencing solution allows employees to fulfill training requirements from anywhere at anytime, improving outcomes and reducing costs.

Blackboard Connect - Reliable notifications for urgent situations

  • Our mass notification system is a fast and reliable way to alert your community or your employees in a time-sensitive situation. Increase the effectiveness of your emergency notifications and community outreach by reaching anyone, anytime with Blackboard’s mass notification system.

Blackboard Learn - A new flexible, efficient way to learn

  • Blackboard Learn helps you engage learners in exciting new ways, reaching them on their terms and devices. Intuitive new features make it even easier for organizations to extend online learning, increase employee engagement and optimize learning outcomes.

Blackboard Registration & Management - Manage the full lifecycle of learning

  • Our web-based management system and registration portal offers fully integrated learner registration, enrollment management, e-commerce capabilities, a manager dashboard and enterprise reporting tools that you can customize to meet your needs.

Learning management system - Our powerful learning management systems enable you to deliver courses more easily, effectively engage employees, and assess learning outcomes in meaningful ways.

  • Scalability and multi-tenancy
  • Sleek, intuitive interface across multiple modalities
  • Accessible
  • Tools to support fully inclusive learning
  • Integration with Federal guidelines

Registration & reporting - With our comprehensive learner registration and management capabilities, you can manage the full lifecycle of learning information.

  • Flexible registration
  • Progress tracking & dashboards
  • eCommerce
  • Learning paths & pre-requisites
  • LMS integration

Accessibility - Our three-part approach to accessibility helps you proactively create a learning environment that benefits all employees.

  • Platforms
  • Content
  • Services

Web conferencing & collaboration - Built for learning, our fully redesigned web conferencing solution allows employees to fulfill training requirements from anywhere at anytime.

  • Simple deployment, convenient access
  • High quality WebRTC technology
  • Designed specifically for education & training

Mass notifications - Our mass notification system is a fast and reliable way to alert your community or your employees in a time-sensitive situation.

  • Unlimited usage keeps you on budget
  • Powerful, personal Flexfield messaging
  • Lost revenue found
  • Multi-modal delivery

Implementation & strategic consulting - Whether you are launching a new online program or growing an existing one, your success is our priority, and we’ll support you with the technology, expertise, and training you need to succeed.

  • Enterprise consulting
  • Platform training & technical services
  • Technology support
Contract Name Contract Number Sector State
2GIT 47QTCA21A000Y Federal
CIO-CS HHSN316201500012W Federal
GSA Multiple Award Schedules GS-35F-267DA Federal, State
Information Technology Enterprise Solutions - Software2 (ITES-SW2) W52P1J-20-D-0047 Federal
National Cooperative Purchasing Alliance (NCPA) - Systems and Information Management Software 01-136 / 01-164 National Texas
OMNIA Partners, Public Sector Software IDIQ R240304 State Texas
SEWP V Group A: NNG15SC07B; Group D: NNG15SC98B Federal
State of California Multiple Award Schedule (CMAS) 3-16-70-1047B State California
State of Maryland Multi-Vendor COTS IDIQ 06B02490021 State Maryland
State of New Mexico Multi-Vendor IDIQ 60-000-16-00075 State New Mexico
State of Texas DIR Multi-Vendor Software II IDIQ DIR-TSO-4236 State Texas
State of Texas DIR Software, COTS, and Services IDIQ DIR-CPO-5677 State Texas
TIPS 210101 State Texas

We offer virtual collaboration over HD video for the military, civilian, state and local agencies. Learn how you can run less costly meetings, decrease time employees are away from the job, and aid with employee development and on-boarding. Blackboard Mass Notification allows you to communicate with your community and or employees across your agency quickly and in multiple methods.


Contact DLT to learn more.