Infor is transforming enterprise software by delivering business-critical applications with the benefits of cloud computing. Agile, highly flexible, and proven, Infor cloud technologies are currently serving more than 62+ million cloud users and 7,000 cloud customers worldwide. The value of Infor CloudSuite solutions can be summed up in one word: simplicity.

Infor is proud to partner with Amazon Web Services (AWS), a global cloud hosting leader whose singular expertise and highly secure infrastructure provide unparalleled protection and reliability. The Infor cloud team builds upon the world-class security provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS), using best-practice protocols and practical safeguards that not only protect your data, but also offer confidence and peace of mind.

Infor CloudSuite Platform

  • ​CloudSuite Public Sector
  • CloudSuite Industrial Enterprise 
  • CloudSuite HealthCare
  • CloudSuite AeroSpace and Defense ​
  • CloudSuite Financials

Infor Coleman Platform

  • Coleman AI
  • Coleman RPA
  • Coleman Digital Assistant 

For more information on Infor's full set of products, please be sure to visit their website at​

Contract Name Contract Number Sector State
CIO-CS HHSN316201500012W Federal
Equalis Group CCoG – Cloud Solutions COG-2139A
Information Technology Enterprise Solutions - Software2 (ITES-SW2) W52P1J-20-D-0047 Federal
OMNIA Partners, Public Sector Software IDIQ R240304 State Texas
Pennsylvania Education Purchasing Program for Microcomputers (PEPPM) - California 535122-012, 535122-053, 536222-028, 536222-037 State California
Pennsylvania Education Purchasing Program for Microcomputers (PEPPM) - Pennsylvania 533902-168, 536202-028, 536202-033 State Pennsylvania
SEWP V Group A: NNG15SC07B; Group D: NNG15SC98B Federal
State of Maryland Multi-Vendor COTS IDIQ 06B02490021 State Maryland
State of Texas DIR Software, COTS, and Services IDIQ DIR-CPO-5677 State Texas
TIPS 210101 State Texas