State of Maryland Multi-Vendor COTS IDIQ

About / Contract Overview
The Department of Information Technology (DoIT) awarded this Master Contract to procure commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software, installation and training services for the COTS software, and manufacturer’s software maintenance, for the State of Maryland. The Master Contract was awarded as to provide the State with a flexible means of obtaining these products and services quickly, efficiently and cost effectively through the issuance of Purchase Order Requests for Proposals (PORFPs).
Learn More and Request a Quote
To learn more about the products and services DLT provides for the State of Maryland Multi-Vendor COTS IDIQ (06B02490021) or to obtain a quote, please call 800.262.4DLT (4358), or email or fax 866.708.6867.
In addition, please refer to the following information about DLT’s contract:
For any unresolved issues, problematic orders, or post-delivery issues, please contact DLT's Contracts Program Office:
Chris Kline
Program Manager
Tel: 800.262.4DLT (4358)