Sysdig is the cloud-native visibility and security company.

Our data platform gives enterprises insight and control as they transition to modern architectures, allowing them to see the benefits of cloud-native faster, with less risk. Our open source technologies have attracted a community of millions of developers, administrators and other IT professionals. The Sysdig cloud-native visibility and security platform allows DevOps, security professionals, and service owners to get context-rich information to dig deeper into their containerized environments and reliably build, run and respond to issues in millions of containers across hundreds of enterprises, including Fortune 500 companies, government agencies, and web-scale properties. To learn more, please contact us!

Sysdig Cloud-Native Visibility and Security Platform

The Sysdig Cloud-Native Visibility and Security Platform provides the first and only unified view of the risk, health, and performance of your cloud-native environments. Sysdig's data-first platform approach closes the cloud-native visibility gap, enabling enterprises to adopt modern infrastructure faster, with less risk, and at a lower cost. Starting with a unique data source, the Sysdig platform provides a single operational view to surface performance, compliance, vulnerabilities, and policy data to help enterprises triage issues faster and gain massive operational efficiency with cloud-native applications.

Sysdig Monitor

Sysdig Monitor, part of the Sysdig Cloud Native Intelligence Platform, is the most powerful monitoring, alerting, and troubleshooting solution for containers and microservices. It combines deep application and infrastructure metrics, rich Kubernetes & Docker insights, enterprise-grade Prometheus monitoring, and trace-driven troubleshooting to help you deliver reliable, secure cloud-native software. Built on ContainerVision™, Sysdig Monitor sees inside your containers from the outside. ServiceVision™ enriches your metrics and events with orchestrator metadata to deliver service-based views of your applications, containers, and microservices. With Sysdig Monitor you can see more, solve faster, and save money.

Sysdig Secure

Sysdig Secure is the most powerful run-time security and forensics solution for your containers and microservices. Sysdig Secure, part of the Sysdig Container Intelligence Platform, comes out-of-the-box with unmatched container visibility and deep orchestrator integrations, including Kubernetes, Docker, AWS ECS, and Mesos. It is available as both a Cloud and an On-Premises Software offering.

  • Comprehensive Security Capabilities — Sysdig Secure’s run-time security approach includes the capabilities of endpoint security, network security, host intrusion detection/prevention and forensics within one point of instrumentation and one interface.
  • Enterprise Production Ready — Sysdig already serves hundreds of enterprises around the globe. Sysdig Secure is built on Sysdig Falco, the open source container security project, has been hardened in use across some of the largest web scale properties.

Ecosystem Solutions

Sysdig has robust and thriving partnerships with the world's foremost experts on Cloud, Kubernetes, and Containers. Our integrations with key providers enable customers to take advantage of a single agent and backend implementation to support security, monitoring, compliance, and forensics. Sysdig’s partner integrations include:

  • Red Hat OpenShift, CRI-O — Sysdig Cloud-Native Intelligence Platform is Red Hat Certified Technology, tested with Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform
  • IBM Cloud
  • Google GKE and Cloud Security Command Center (Cloud SCC)
  • Amazon Web Services — Amazon ECS, Amazon EKS, and Amazon EC2
  • Microsoft Azure
Contract NameContract NumberSectorState
2GIT 47QTCA21A000Y Federal
CIO-CS HHSN316201500012W Federal
GSA Multiple Award Schedules GS-35F-267DA Federal, State
SEWP V Group A: NNG15SC07B; Group D: NNG15SC98B Federal
State of California Multiple Award Schedule (CMAS) 3-16-70-1047B State California
State of Maryland Multi-Vendor COTS IDIQ 06B02490021 State Maryland
State of New Mexico Multi-Vendor IDIQ 60-000-16-00075 State New Mexico