Autodesk Software Licensing Changes – What Government Customers Need to Know

If you’re a government user of Autodesk software, hold on to your hats. Autodesk is about to make some significant changes to the way its software can be procured.
What’s Changing?
Effective January 31, 2017, Autodesk will no longer sell perpetual licenses for most of its products, including AutoCAD, Civil 3D, Inventor, Revit, and more. You can view the full list of products affected here.
Instead, if you wish to purchase one of the products on the list, you can do so on a subscription model (single user or multi-user). Subscription offers a lower entry price, more choice of tools, and the ability to pay-as-you-go. Rather than being tied to a specific version of software you can enjoy software updates and the flexibility to access it using cloud services and on multiple devices.
Does this Affect My Existing License?
The end-of-sale of perpetual licenses only impacts the ability to purchase new perpetual licenses. If you have software on a perpetual license that license will remain valid and you can continue to use the product in accordance with your license agreement, and any pre-existing maintenance plan.
What About My Existing Maintenance Plan?
Your maintenance plan (which includes technical support, access to the latest software, and in some cases, cloud services) will remain the same and you have the option to renew it for the affected products for as long as you want.
Learn More
As you plan your agency’s digital design software investments, please bear in mind the January 31, 2017 deadline. Contact DLT to learn more about the changes, what it means for you, and finding the right subscription plan. Email: or give us a call at 888-447-2223.