Mark Your CAD Calendars: DLT and Lynn Allen Present…

The holidays have arrived early to the government CAD community. Lynn Allen is coming to town and online in a city near you!
DLT has partnered with everyone’s favorite Autodesk evangelist and tips and tricks queen to bring you a series of tech breakfasts and webinars.
Starting this May and continuing over the next few months across the U.S., Lynn will share what’s new with AutoCAD 2019 (aka One AutoCAD) and dive into trends and happenings in the world of government digital design.
Here’s what May has in store:
May 1st at 2:00pm EST
Just in time for the release, get your tips, tricks, and learn about AutoCAD 2019. With the combination of all features and tool sets, you only need one AutoCAD.
Register Now.
Washington, D.C.: Live with Lynn Allen
May 8th, 2018 8:30am-11:00am
Join us at the W Hotel in Washington, D.C. for breakfast, a keynote on the Future of Making Things in Government, and industry breakout sessions including AutoCAD and Revit tips and tricks.
Register Now.