State & Local Agencies: Don't Lose Your Unspent FY'2015 Funding

State and local fiscal year-end is fast approaching, and it's a great time to make an investment in design software and services. After all, unspent funding is not only a lost opportunity, it may send a signal to budget-setters that they should reduce funding next year.

With Autodesk's 2016 software release now fully rolled out, now is a great time to review your design, visualization and collaboration needs and make the most of your remaining budget.

A Word From our Sponsor!

Our sponsor, DLT Solutions, a leading Autodesk Government Reseller, is offering a wide array of contract vehicles such as GSA and many more to help make your purchasing as streamlined as possible. DLT can make your purchasing process efficient and simplified. Check out this page to learn more or watch the video below.