Revit 2016 Speeds the Making of 3D Section Views

I have always been a big proponent of making 3D views with a section box to better understand design iterations and the relationship of the parts of the building model. Taking this to high detail and illustrating a segment of the model to resolve design issues quickly can result in having to make several, if not dozens, of views during schematic and design development phases.

Creating these 3D views have been fairly simple and straightforward and teaching this in Revit classes has been a process of showing in just a few minutes to set up and tweak a view.

New in Revit 2016, this process has been sped up considerably to being done in just seconds.

First, there are two ways to do this from either 3D view or in 2D plan view. Starting with the 3D view, just window around the parts of the model to generate the section box from.


After which we can fine tune the extents of the section with the grips tool.


The same approach can be taken from the 2D plan view.


Instantly, a 3D view is created.


Again this will make our work so much faster to show in detail the impact of the design with so much little effort to create them.

By David Metcalf, CADSoft Consulting

This article was originally posted on the CADSoft Consulting Revit blog and is reprinted here with kind permission. 

Featured image courtesy of Autodesk.