How Save your Drawings to the Cloud

If you regularly use Dropbox or Google Drive, then you’ll appreciate the benefits of storing and sharing your files from the cloud.

But my CAD files are too big you say? True, free instances of commercially available cloud storage software will limit the amount of storage space you can use. But now there’s an alternative – and its custom designed for design files.

Autodesk 360 is a cloud-based platform that provides free online data storage – securely (up to 5GB). The other very cool feature about Autodesk 360 is that anyone can view, access, mark-up and edit design files from a mobile device or browser – freeing up your desktop and making collaboration on large files a lot easier, especially if you’re out of the office.

If 5GB isn’t enough, Autodesk Subscription customers can access additional storage as part of their support contract.

If you’re not sure about sharing and doing all that great stuff in the cloud, at a minimum, Autodesk 360 simply an awesome back-up solution for your work. Check out Lynn Allen’s quick tips below for automatically saving an extra copy of your files to Autodesk 360.