CAD News for Govies is a weekly feature on Acronym that scans thousands of industry articles to present you with a regular source of CAD and GIS news, information and ideas that impact the public sector. Here’s the latest round-up:
8 Public Works Problems Solved
Late last year, Public Works Magazine held a contest asking readers from public works departments across the U.S. to submit a high-resolution photo (or other graphic) and answer two questions: “What’s the toughest thing on your plate in 2014” and “How are you addressing it?” Responses ranged from fixing drainage issues and over-burdened wastewater systems, to keeping the right-of-way clear for both motorists and pedestrians along 2,400 miles of city-maintained streets during a time of significant change. Read these and other interesting case studies on Public Works Online.
Ready for a Career Change? A Strong Knowledge of GIS Opens Doors for Job Applicants
According to the Boston Globe, GIS skills are sorely lacking in the job market. And while technical proficiency and on-the-job skills are critical, soft skills such as communications, critical thinking, problem-solving and teamwork can give you the edge, reports the American Sentinel University in a recent press release. So while GIS skills can certainly open doors, if you think you can apply geospatial thinking to a wide range of business processes and activities, you may have the edge you need to make that long-awaited career change! Read more from Directions Magazine.
Video: Get your Arms Around AutoCAD’s Valuable Oops Command with Lynn Allen
The Oops command has been in AutoCAD since the very beginning — but few users know how to take advantage of it. In this video tip from Cadalyst and Lynn Allen, you'll learn just when the Oops command can come in really handy! And as a bonus, you'll see the secrets of the Mark option for the Undo command.
7 On-Demand Autodesk University 2013 Classes that Govies Shouldn’t Miss
If you weren’t able to make it to Autodesk University 2013 or are looking for a recap of your favorite classes, you can now access hundreds of the AU 2013 classes online. Registration is free and gives you access to on-demand versions of select sessions, handouts, presentations, and more. You can also use the “Find a Class” search tool to drill down to a particular software, industry or subject matter. Be sure to check them out! In the meantime, here’s our recommendation of seven classes that you won’t want to miss. Check out this blog from last week.
Top 10 Autodesk Labs Projects in 2013
Always on the cutting edge of new software developments from Autodesk, Shaan Hurley recently shared the company’s top 10 technology previews of 2013. Autodesk Labs is Autodesk’s public process for sharing innovative new technologies and collaborative development. The user feedback provided to Labs takes place while ideas are still in an early conceptual stage, and while some may not even make it to beta, there’s always a chance they’ll be fully productized just like 123D Catch, Revit LT, and Inventor Fusion. For a glimpse of what might be included in Autodesk’s future stable of products, check out the Top 10 Autodesk Labs Projects by download from Autodesk Labs for 2013 on Shaan’s blog.
5 Ways Virtual Modeling Can Improve Facilities Management
Building information modeling (BIM) has become standard practice for design and construction, but often times little attention is paid to what happens to model data post-construction. BIM data is a valuable asset that can help improve the entire lifecycle of a building, not just its construction. For a facility owner, that’s where BIM can have the most long-lasting benefits. Here are five ways virtual modeling can improve facilities management, according to the blog team at Skanksa USA.
How to Be a Great CAD Manager, Without the Title
Do you function as a CAD manager, albeit in an unofficial capacity? In other words, do you face the day-to-day challenges of CAD management, but without the benefits of the title, or the authority to do the job? Even if you lack an official “CAD Manager” title, you can still positively influence your workplace if you make the most of interacting with your users says Cadalyst’s, Robert Green. Read his tips for “peer-to-peer CAD managers” in his latest CAD Manager’s Newsletter.
Image courtesy of Kourtney Vincent and Public Works Magazine.