Connect the Virtually Built Building to the Physically Built One – In the Field

Back in June, I wrote a blog introducing the new Autodesk BIM 360 cloud offering. Available mostly to Autodesk Subscription customers, BIM 360 gives users “anywhere, anytime” access to design models and BIM workflows through a variety of services offered on Autodesk’s cloud-based platform. One of the newest additions to the line-up of BIM services, offered in the cloud, comes as a result of Autodesk’s recent acquisition of Vela Systems. This addresses one of the biggest problems in the design build workflow – that technology dollars aren’t getting applied in the field. Technology is Not Being Applied in the Field One of the biggest problems in construction is that 25 cents of every dollar spent on construction is wasted in the field (Source: CII). One of the reasons for this inefficiency is that despite the fact that 75% of all construction dollars are spent in the field, technology is not being applied there. In fact, 90% of technology spend is in the office or the trailer. This is where Autodesk’s BIM 360 cloud service fills a much-needed gap. Vela Systems’ Field Management Software for Construction enables construction and infrastructure industry professionals to combine mobile technologies and BIM at the point of construction. Imagine navigating BIM models in the field, updating BIM attributes for commissioning in the field, project reporting for managing field performance, and more – all from a mobile device. You can learn more about the solution and how it works in this YouTube video. To see how this solution can fit into your workflow, check out this case study from our 2011 CAD Awards runner-up, the New York Department of Design and Construction (NY DDC). NY DDC plans on integrating Vela Systems’ services to enhance its award-winning use of BIM designs and workflows on key city projects. NY DDC plans on using Vela Systems to make BIM models accessible to onsite teams via mobile applications, making it easier for teams to monitor and adjust build conditions against design conditions. Read more in this case study. You can follow Autodesk 360 on Facebook and Twitter.