Apparently the Feds Don’t Often Reward Innovation – But We Do!

You may have noticed that [acronym] is running a contest for government employees – the [acronym] CAD Awards. In fact, the awards are the first of their kind specifically aimed at the public sector - and I find our timing with this contest a little curious. Through sheer coincidence, Federal Computer Week last week reported the conclusions of a new study by the Partnership for Public Service, which claims that “Agencies don’t reward innovation, fed’s say”. According to the report, “nine out of 10 federal employees are seeking ways to better perform their jobs, only about four out of 10 believe innovation and creativity are rewarded”. While I can do little to help bolster how your agency motivates and promotes creativity to drive change, the [acronym] CAD Awards can give you the opportunity to stand up and share your innovations with your peers, other agencies, and even the media. Letting you Shine If you work in the field of digital design – whether you use AutoCAD, or any other software – we want to know how these tools combined with your skills and expertise have helped your agency achieve its goals. We’re not looking for revolutionary designs (but don’t let us stop you from submitting those too) just how your CAD projects have helped your organization be more efficient, save money, and improve public services. It can be a team effort or you can just submit your own design innovation for consideration.  The deadline for submission is September 15, 2011. So give yourself a pat on the back, upload your designs and I hope see you at the awards ceremony in November! Learn more about the [acronym] CAD Awards and meet our judges.