Finding the Needle In The Haystack – Managing the Lifecycle of Your Engineering and CAD Docs

“In 1989, one of our first clients came to us with a big problem. A disgruntled employee had waltzed out the door with electronic copies of top secret designs and went to work for a competitor.” Another horror story here: “During the late 80s, a client who used AutoCAD for machine design called us in a panic. The company had just built a $250K prototype of a paper machine from the wrong revision of a drawing.” Since then, the folks at Synergis Software have been in the business of preventing these disasters from happening. Over the years they have developed a solution that not only makes managing your engineering document library easier, but safer as well. The solution is called Adept, and the software helps you find, manage, share and control engineering, CAD and business documents throughout their lifecycle. It also conveniently designed to integrate with AutoCAD, Autodesk Inventor and a host of other popular computer-aided design applications. To see how different government agencies have been able to implement Adept within their organizations, and to learn how they have benefitted from an engineering document system, check out the list of case studies here. L. Alfredo Montes, civil engineer  in the Philadelphia District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers had this to say about the ROI for his organization: "Previously, it took one or two days to search for a hard copy of a file if it was in our local office.
"Previously, it took one or two days to search for a hard copy of a file if it was in our local office. With the click of a button we are able to access a file, regardless of its location, within five minutes." L. Alfredo Montes, civil engineer in the Philadelphia District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
With the click of a button we are able to access a file, regardless of its location, within five minutes." If your agency deals extensively with engineering projects and you have never had a major document catastrophe similar to the cases outlined in the introduction, count your blessing, but don’t push your luck. Synergis Software has put together “The Road to Engineering Document Sanity”, a step-by-step guide to determine whether an EDM system would valuable to you.