Render Graphics without those Frustrating System Crashes

Graphics rendering requires high-powered computing systems, and many times hardware is not up to par, causing digital design programs to freeze up and crash. More than just frustrating and time-wasting, this can sometimes result in flaws within the models that require a long correction process, or in the worst case, escape unnoticed into the final design. Since hardware issues are the cause of such design nightmares, the best way to overcome this obstacle is to find an appropriate computing solution that can handle the heavy workloads that are routine in the digital design world. BoXX Technologies’ range of desktop and mobile computing products (now available on GSA Schedule) are tailor-made for high-end design software such as Autodesk 3ds Max, that features highly demanding rendering processes, and massive file sizes that require high-end hardware to run smoothly. BoXX systems use top-drawer hardware that is tested to ensure performance, durability and compatibility within the entire workstation, so you can get your work done quicker and easier. If you feel your hardware set-up is keeping you from completing more projects because of wasted time, BoXX could be a solution for your agency. What results can you expect? Desktop Engineering Magazine has recently reviewed a BoXX workstation, where benchmark tests showed that when it comes to high-performance computers for digital design work, BoXX delivers unmatched performance and excellent results. Here’s some of what Desktop Engineering had to say:

“With all of the power packed into this 3DBOXX, we had high hopes for our benchmarks—and the 4860 Extreme certainly delivered. On the SPECviewperf test, which focuses solely on graphics performance, the results were nothing short of incredible. The 3DBOXX 4860 Extreme, equipped with the NVIDIA Quadro 5000, not only beat every system we’ve ever tested, it demolished them, with some results more than two times faster than those previously recorded.”

BoXX has engineered a line of desktop and mobile computers, as well as dedicated rendering systems using top of the line components and years of experience to provide users with fewer headaches when it comes to their digital design needs. These latest reviews featured the BoXX 4860 Extreme Desktop and tested its performance on high-end design software such as Autodesk 3Ds Max and SolidWorks. Check out the results here, and see if BoXX is the right move for your organization. Related Articles: