GSA National 3D-4D BIM Program

In 2003, GSA created the National 3D-4D-BIM Program to “promote value-added digital visualization, simulation and optimization technologies to increase quality and efficiency through GSA project lifecycles and beyond.” GSA is responsible for meeting the space requirements of federal agencies along with providing buildings and construction guidelines for these resources.  While adopting specific CAD standards and project requirements, GSA has also committed to strategic and incremental adoption of 3D, 4D, and BIM technologies. Today, GSA requires all prospecting design projects receiving funding from FY2007 and beyond have minimum requirements to use spatial program BIMs for submission and final approval.  However, the GSA also highly encourages use of mature technology using 3D and 4D modeling. To find resources and highlights of the GSA National 3D-4D-BIM Program, visit: Take a look towards the bottom of the page and review the publishing guides provided on the program. The guide is still in the review stages and subject to change, but the information is updated regularly and kept current as the program is revised to meet current challenges and technology upgrades. When working with GSA or on GSA projects, this can be a valuable resource.