8 How-To Video Tutorials for Transportation Infrastructure Designers & Engineers

If you’re a transportation engineer, designer, planner or surveyor, you likely already know that there are countless video tutorials and webinars out there to help you master your craft. But how do you identify the genuine tutorials from the product pushes? We’ve done it for you!

Here are eight video tutorials featuring tips and tricks for all competency levels, whether you are an AutoCAD or Civil 3D user, or are making the move to BIM for transportation and infrastructure design.

State and Local Agencies Take Control of Infrastructure Modernization Project Success

The importance of infrastructure modernization cannot be understated in today’s environment of aging roadways, bridges and transit systems. However, project life-cycle coordination has kept many state a local agencies from completing these projects on time and within budget due to the inflexible and ineffective nature of traditional paper-based methods.  Add in the complexity of balancing multiple-and sometimes conflicting – demands and priorities, and these projects an quickly become a headache.