
Digital Design
Making the move to AutoCAD Civil 3D is a big step up for many agencies and public sector teams. Whether you’re coming off using Land Desktop or AutoCAD for your civil infrastructure projects, Civil 3D can seem like a daunting leap forward, despite the many benefits the software brings in terms of greater efficiencies, long-term cost-savings, and reduced errors. It’s something we often hear from our government clients.
Getting to know the “enemy with no face” is critical to winning the cyber war. In fact, it’s the tagline from the U.S. Army’s latest cyber warrior recruitment ad. Yet, one of the biggest challenges to doing so is that most organizations have zero visibility into a significant percentage of the endpoints on their network. That’s because they are either not managed (BYOD, guest, and IoT), have disabled or broken agents, or aren’t detected by periodic scans.
When it comes to controlling logins and privileges on Unix/Linux servers, Centrify’s philosophy is aligned with modern NIST recommendations, as opposed to traditional vendors whose solutions are centered around a Password Vault. Centrify believes users should login directly as themselves and elevate privileges granularly as needed and authorized.
Digital Design
We frequently write about BIM principles, use cases and best practices here on the DLT blog, but one area that often goes neglected in BIM are the soft skills or people skills. What is the role of a BIM manager anyway? How can you better achieve your project goals as design technology managers or support your personnel?
Big Data & Analytics
Public sector leaders are facing an uphill battle when it comes to managing data. Their needs are growing while their budgets are often shrinking. How can federal agencies do more with less? Leveraging enterprise open source solutions is part of the answer. They can help agencies close this gap and meet today’s needs—whether that’s analyzing warfighter data or building Smart Cities—while also planning for tomorrow’s challenges.
Faced with an endless barrage of threats and vulnerabilities, finding the time to develop a proactive risk mitigation strategy is an uphill struggle for government organizations. With so much energy focused  on protecting the perimeter and preventing network penetration, malicious actors (the enemy with no face) already inside your network often goes unnoticed (case in point, the 2015 OPM breach).