New Insights Show BIM Data Playing a Greater Role in Facilities Management

Use of building information modeling (BIM) data by building owners is on the rise. That’s according to the third annual BIM and facilities management (FM) survey from DLT partner, IMAGINiT Technologies.
Based on input from AEC and facilities management professionals in 2017, the study shows that the percentage of owners integrating BIM data into FM systems increased 8.9%. In addition, 5.8% more owners indicated that they’re converting old CAD data into BIM.
Challenges Remain
As in 2016, the adoption of BIM – particularly through space and asset information – is on the rise. However, challenges remain. Many organizations are not prepared or equipped to make the process and technology changes required for BIM adoption, reports IMAGINiT.
The biggest challenge for owners in the use of BIM for FM were integrating the information into their FM platform (21.4%) and maintaining the BIM data once it was received (21.4%). Maintenance is always tough given the budget limitations in FM departments. Another pitfall is that many are looking to implement BIM standards that are too complex, creating integration and data management issues.
Point Clouds and Reality Capture on the Rise
In terms of technology advances, more owners are applying technology advances to facility management challenges, using information systems to track space and assets and the integration of building automation and FM systems is also growing.
IoT has yet to gain a stronghold in FM, however cloud adoption – point clouds and cloud computing – is on the horizon for 2018 as more expect to implement reality capture. In 2017, 10.7% more owners indicated that they want point cloud data as a part of model deliverables.
Check out the infographic below for more results from the survey: