
Digital Design
Look out for the pot hole! Did you know that one out of every five miles of highway pavement is in poor condition and in need of rehabilitation? If you’re a civil engineer, you’re probably not surprised. The bulk of highway system funding goes towards highway repair, and with good reason.
The Small Business Administration (SBA) is facing some tough challenges. According to a Report on the Most Serious Management and Performance Challenges Facing the SBA in FY 2018, the agency’s risk management and cyber posture is in need of “significant improvement”.
Containers offer many advantages for management, deployment, and efficient development of applications.  Like any technology, however, they are subject to attack from malicious actors, and require diligent security.  Vulnerabilities can appear in the container images themselves, in the registry where they are stored, or in the orchestration and deployment of the images.  Let’s take a look. Image Vulnerabilities & Countermeasures
Digital Design
Did you love “BIM on the Rocks”, Autodesk’s blog dedicated to all things infrastructure design/build/management? Alas, as of August 31st, it’s no more. Before you grab your Kleenex, take a look at the new kid on the blog – Infrastructure Reimagined. Infrastructure Reimagined takes over from where BIM on the Rocks blog left off. Launched in June of this year, this new site is more of a slick resource hub than a regular blog feed. Easy-to-navigate, whatever your specialty or interest, the site is worth a bookmark.
Cybersecurity is the number one priority for state and county CIOs, according to GovTech. Yet supporting that priority is a perpetual challenge. Another survey finds that top of the list of workforce needs for state CIOs is cybersecurity talent.
From veterans to tax payers, contractors to military personnel, the U.S. government is one of the world’s largest harbors of personally identifiable information (PII). Year after year of security breaches has done nothing but destroy public trust in the government’s ability to protect PII about citizens, employees, and contractors.