How Can you Help your Agency Restore Faith in its Data?

The U.S. government has spent years accumulating data sets – ranging from tax records, satellite imagery, census data, and more (up to 2.63 petabytes in the federal government alone).
Unlocking the potential of that data is a huge priority for many agencies, and gives the opportunity to discover hidden insights and improve mission effectiveness. Whether that means spotting fraud, improving regulatory oversight, optimizing business travel, or providing more effective citizen services.
The big challenge, however, is that agencies all too often find that their available data is incomplete, inaccurate, unavailable, in the wrong place, full of discrepancies, or simply in the wrong format. Some agencies, however, are finding a way to derive value from their data.
The U.S. Geological Survey, for example, has been able to consolidate data from across 50 locations and four major legacy data sources to build the largest water quality dataset ever collected. The single data warehouse, built using Informatica technology, gives the agency access to accurate information that drives decision-making about protecting water quality.
Restoring faith in data is also a big deal for state and local agencies. The Florida Turnpike Enterprise (FTE) who operates every toll road and bridge owned by the state DOT, has made huge gains following the deployment of a data integration solution that reduces reporting time and provides up-to-date data about traffic volumes, toll revenues, and safety procedures.
Reserve your Spot at the Informatica Government Summit
If you’re interested to know more, you won’t want to miss the Informatica Government Summit to be held in Washington, D.C. on April 23, 2015.
This free event, brings together public sector visionaries and practitioners who will share their thoughts, experiences and strategies on enterprise data management and how becoming a “data ready enterprise” has impacted their agency’s operations.
The Summit keynote presentations, a panel session, breakout sessions, and networking opportunities with public sector industry experts, Informatica customers and partners, all focused on how to achieve cost savings, enhanced operational efficiencies, increased collaboration and improved performance.
Check out the agenda here. And, if you need to convince your manager to let you attend, download this letter to justify your attendance!
Featured image courtesy of Duncan Hull via Flickr.