New: Your Guide to Government's Critical Cyberthreats!

Data leaks, data breaches, blah, blah, blah. Sometimes the attention-grabbing headlines just sound like too much noise.
What’s lacking in most of today’s reporting is the real truth about how government agencies are hacked and what agencies are doing to counter those attacks. Those are the details that can help agencies improve their defenses to face future challenges.
A recent guide from GovLoop delivers the whole story on the constant war in cyberspace.
Side-stepping terms like “breach” and “leak” to truly explain how internal and external hackers are targeting government information systems, the guide also:
• Defines common tactics, such as malware, insider threats, and phishing, as well as more sophisticated attacks such as distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks and advanced persistent threats (APTs).
• Highlights case studies of state, local, and government agencies that have endured these cyberattacks and provided countermeasures for future attempts. It relates firsthand perspectives from leading government information security experts.
• Provides priority actions your organization needs to take now to be secure.