Data-Center Efficiency! Going Green!

Ever walked into a hot data center and fear for the life of the machines?  Maybe while walking in that data center you tripped on a loose tile and did the Macarena trying to catch your balance just to end up taking a foot and a half drop because of the raised floor?  Well, progress is great!!  As of late, engineers everywhere have adopted a way to use the key principle of physics in data center layouts.  In the older data-centers cold air would be sent from the space under the raised floor to cool the datacenter but this would require extra energy (see figure below). How to Cool your Data CenterInstead, now a curtain of cold air is dropped down the front of machines.  This causes the cold air to flow through the system and out the back as hot air (which we all know rises) moves up to the ceiling and then is vented outside.  It’s commonly known that you don’t vent the hot exhaust from one machine into the air intake of another.  In order to get around this dilemma, racks are placed front to front and back to back.  This arrangement is called “hot aisle/cold aisle”, and has become a “best practice” for data center design because of its energy efficiency.  By putting cooling delivery above the racks you eliminate the need for a raised floor, plus gain other efficiency advantage.  Modular power distribution buses positioned above the racks allow data-center administrators to quickly provision power for new systems without outside help and without having to shut down the main power source.  With this system in place, administrators can provision power to a new system in about five minutes.  Pretty slick – you are cooling servers and saving shines!