A Data Center Intervention

With the recent rush over the last decade to virtualize everything in the enterprise and products being marketed with “Green” or “Cloud” somewhere in the tagline, you would think that there was nothing left to virtualize.  If you make that assumption, you would be wrong. In many cases virtualization has truly consolidated the overall data center footprint, brought high availability to most environments that would otherwise not have it, and simplified the management of our overall servers.  I am quite sure the list can be elaborated on to include several points about being “Green” or even “Cost-effective”, but I will stop here.  Though all these points are important, what we have failed to do in this process is to address the deep dark secret that most people keep hidden from the public (and our managers if we can swing it)… the wiring connectivity mess.  I am sure that there are data centers out there that have the cleanest possible wiring worthy of being the poster-child for all others, but let’s stop lying to ourselves, in many cases it’s a mess, and hopefully not a very big spaghetti mess like below. [caption id="attachment_262" align="aligncenter" width="400" caption="Special thanks to Russ B from Arrow for showing me this picture."]Data Center Wiring[/caption] It is true that we have reduced some of the wiring complexity in our data centers through our virtualization efforts.  But in my opinion we still have a ways to go.  We can further reduce our physical connections with virtual I/O products like I/O Directors from Xsigo (unless you would rather trace wires in a data center like above). Specifically with Xsigo’s virtual I/O solution there are many benefits like any-to-any connectivity, faster server repurposing, QoS control, super fast server connectivity, transparent application migration, consolidated and remote management, open API, and simplified DR. With products out there like Xsigo I/O Directors it is time do yourself a failure and finally face the issue that you have been hiding for so long.