New NetBackup Includes OpsCenter

So in NetBackup 7 they decided to drop the 2 reporting add-ons and usher in OpsCenter…THANK YOU SYMANTEC!! As an engineer dealing with supporting NetBackup Operations Manager and Veritas Backup Reporter was to say the least a pain in the (shut your mouth!!!). I am sure as a customer it is less of a headache because now when the big cheese asks for a pretty pie graph and statistical reporting they have a one stop shop. So your boss wants a report from your Netbackup environment? You can, yes sir… But wait he wants a report of your backup exec environment as well? Uh… uh… yes, you can say yes sir… What about Enterprise Vault?? That's right you can say yes sir… as long as you have the optional OpsCenter Analytics component of course (the sales guys will love to hear that!!). OpsCenter is a free product that you can deploy on your master server to manage a single domain or independently to manage multiple NetBackup domains!!! OpsCenter can also perform some minor management tasks such as “upping” tape drives, restarting failed jobs, freezing/unfreezing and other tape functions, restarting services/daemons on the Masters, etc. The free version limits historical reporting though… But don't worry you can buy an OpsCenter Analytics license key and unlock the ability to customize your display, multi-level views of backup and archive resources and customizable reports for tracking service usage and expenditures. It also contains tools for defining cost metrics and chargeback formulas or handling alerts as well as allowing reporting beyond 60 days.