What we hope you will take away from the DLT Gov IT Perspective Blog

When you combine DLT’s more than 18 years of experience with public sector information technology with my own more than 30 years, it adds up to quite a bit of perspective.  Those many years of experience have given us collectively and me personally a certain amount of insight into the big picture of government policy and practice surrounding the use of information technology.In this blog, we hope to provide value to our customers and partners, by sharing just some of that insight as it relates to the news and issues of today.  So, you can expect to find information here on everything from the White House’s IT strategy for better serving constituents to the DoD’s use of technology to streamline operations to a local government’s use of IT to reduce operational costs, and beyond.  And, you can expect to find quite a bit of opinion here from people who have seen enough and accomplished enough that they feel confident that they have more to offer than just hot air. So, please let us know if these blogs are bringing you value.  You can enter comments here or you can email us at blogs@www.dlt.com.  And, feel free to suggest some topics that you’d like to see us cover.  Our goal is to provide you value.  We can do that better if you tell us specifically what you need.