Why Government CIOs Need to Rethink Their Tech Procurement Strategy

As government agencies and organizations look to modernize their technology stacks to keep up with changes in the workforce, aging solutions, and closing contracts, they’ll all set out with a similar process: submit an RFP, review submissions, and choose a vendor. Seems simple enough.
But what government CIOs often don’t realize is that requiring proven, specific use cases may be limiting what their new (and likely expensive) technology investment can do for their organization. Here’s what I mean.
Commercial off-the-shelf solutions are not one-size-fits-all for a government procurement strategy.
A core solution provider can likely back up its claims with specific use cases from other customers that may seem to have similar needs to your agency. But, the reality is, just because a solution met one organization’s needs, doesn’t mean it will apply to all organizations facing similar challenges. This strategy opens organizations up to the risk of investing in a solution that will require further customization at a high price point. Purchasing a static solution means it’s already out of date by the time it’s implemented and before the agency sees any benefits. A more modern approach is required for long-term success.
Adaptability is key for public sector technologies.
Seeking a solution that offers adaptability over success stories from other organizations will set government departments and agencies up for a better future in the long term. Recent years have indicated that the only guarantee government organizations can count on is change. Prebuilt solutions aren’t inherently flawed, but the government faces a great deal of ongoing change. And their success hinges on embracing technology that not only enables them to adapt quickly, but encourages it.
Low-code offers speed and flexibility COTS solutions can’t compare to.
Alternative to a commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) solution, government agencies and organizations should consider a low-code solution. Because hard-coding isn’t required, low-code offers a better-equipped solution for anyone in the organization to make updates as needed to easily adjust to changing regulations and requirements. Learn about all of the advantages low-code offers when compared to a COTS solution in our whitepaper, Rethinking the RFP: How Next-Generation Government Technology Minimizes Risk.
Note: This blog was originally published on Appian.