Tech Transforms podcast: Web 3.0, Gamification, CIA Innovation, Getting Ahead of the Adversary

On the Tech Transforms podcast, sponsored by Dynatrace, we have talked to some of the most prominent influencers shaping critical government technology decisions. From supply chain to machine learning, this podcast explores the way technology advancement intersects with human needs.
In March 2022, we sat down with these government technology visionaries:
- Sandy Carter – SVP and Channel Chief at Unstoppable Domains and former Vice President at Amazon Web Services
- Mike Gruss – Editor-in-chief at Sightline Media Group
- Jennifer Ewbank – Deputy Director for Digital Innovation at Central Intelligence Agency
- Eric Trexler – VP of Global Governments and Critical Infrastructure Sales at Forcepoint.
We invite you to listen to these exciting and insightful podcast episodes and subscribe to Tech Transforms on your favorite podcast platform.
Episode 24 – Web3: The start of the power with Sandy Carter
Sandy Carter, SVP and Channel Chief at Unstoppable Domains and former Vice President at Amazon Web Services, shares the groundbreaking work she is doing with Web3. Listen in to learn more about Web3 capabilities and the chaotic creation that Unstoppable Domains is tackling.
Episode 25 – Unstoppable women of Web3: Learn and be curious with Sandy Carter
Sandy Carter, Unstoppable Domains SVP and Channel Chief, walks the walk when it comes to getting women and girls involved in tech. She returns to discuss the importance of diversity in technology and gives us an exciting inside look at her event, “Unstoppable Women of Web3.” Follow Sandy on social media for the latest updates!
Episode 26 – Government technology insight with Mike Gruss
Mike Gruss, Editor-in-chief at Sightline Media Group, has eyes on all news related to DOD. He and his reporters are asking the smart questions when it comes to government defense technology. IT savvy leadership, user experience, and gamification are just some of the topics Mike unpacks in this episode of Tech Transforms.
Episode 27 – Unparalleled innovation with Jennifer Ewbank, Deputy Director for Digital Innovation at Central Intelligence Agency
Jennifer Ewbank joins Carolyn and Mark to discuss her team’s unparalleled work in integration and innovation. Jennifer shares the importance of partnerships in IT, data and cybersecurity, and how Digital Innovations — the newest branch of the CIA — is transforming security.
Episode 28 – Consolidation, innovation and perspective with Eric Trexler
According to Eric Trexler, VP of Global Governments and Critical Infrastructure Sales at Forcepoint, consolidation, innovation, and perspective all need to work together in government IT. IT acts as an enabler of business in the challenging landscape of government technology. Listen in to hear what Eric believes the United States IT space should focus on to stay ahead of adversaries.
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