10 Most Popular Blogs of 2013

Here we are again, another New Year, another opportunity to look back and plan ahead! Here at Acronym, it’s no exception. 2013 was an exciting year. From the astonishing success of our 2nd Annual Public Sector CAD Awards and Expo (hosted virtually in February and attended by nearly 1,000 people), the release of several new educational e-books, and the launch of our new website earlier this summer – 2013 has kept us busy!

Storing Big Data: New Technology Helps Organize and Protect Agencies’ Electronic Information

New standards and technologies in the Information Age have given architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) firms both new benefits and challenges. For instance, when the General Services Administration mandated that all government projects must be designed electronically using building information modeling (BIM), the industry began experiencing a number of benefits in building quality. However, the same standard means that significantly higher volumes of electronic data is now created and must be managed.