Symantec Government Symposium 2010 (Part 1)

The Symantec Government Symposium 2010 is here! The year’s event is packed full with great keynote speakers, breakout sessions, and more. The event is held every year at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center, and features the best and brightest in the Symantec community. With the federal IT community as the main audience, the Symposium features great topics and discussion that makes the Federal IT customer so unique. This year is no different, with topics ranging from “the Cloud” to IT Consolidation.

DLT Fight for the Cup: Just for Kicks

Think way back to elementary school for a few seconds. What was the best part of the day? That’s easy. Recess. That hour-long break was the best part of any school day. The fresh air, the playground, and the best part of all – kickball. Flash forward to present day now. Kickball is making a comeback in a big way. Here in the DC area in the spring time, the National Mall is filled with kickball games every night. Baseball fields around the area are now kickball fields.

Go Green Committee | DLT Solutions Recycles Coffee Grounds for Compost

Where’s the Dirt at DLT? I’ll bet that most people don’t often think about dirt. For most of us, the only dirt we experience on a daily basis is what’s happening in Hollywood with the latest celebrity antics and what we need to wash off potatoes before baking them. There isn’t much of a connection to where and how our food grows before it reaches the supermarket in nice, neat little packages. Baby carrots, anyone? I recently talked with DLT’s very own David Masembwa about his dirt.


"In many of the more relaxed civilizations on the Outer Eastern Rim of the Galaxy, the Hitchhiker's Guide has already supplanted the great Encyclopaedia Galactica as the standard repository of all knowledge and wisdom, for though it has many omissions and contains much that is apocryphal, or at least wildly inaccurate, it scores over the older, more pedestrian work in two important respects. First, it is slightly cheaper; and secondly it has the words DON'T PANIC inscribed in large friendly letters on its cover." -- Douglas Adams, Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy I

Expectations of the DLT Tech Blogs

This blog was created by the senior technical staff at DLT Solutions. This is our opportunity to share our thoughts and ideas around current government news and trends within technology that may, or may not, affect your job, career, or profession. Given the fact that we work with many large software and hardware vendors, we will share our thoughts on new product reviews and highlights as they become available to us. In addition, when we come across helpful tips and tricks to save time or money, you’ll be able to find them here as well.

Why Are We Writing this DLT Service Center Blog?

Welcome to the DLT Service Center Blog!  This blog was created by several engineers at DLT Solutions.  We want to have a place to talk about all things technical, product information, and product upgrades as they relate to our customers.  We also like to talk about tips and tricks we have learned and brag about customer success stories. This blog will be slightly different than the DLT Tech blog.  In DLT’s Tech blog you will hear from our senior technical folks.  Basically, if the tech blog gives you a 30,000 foot technical viewpoint, we are goin