DLT Helps Small Business Get on their Feet

Growing up, Greg Lauter was never the kid with the lemonade stand on the corner: He was the one who developed the logo and the sign (and the brand) for the lemonade stand. So it’s no surprise that today Greg has his own design business. Building that business, however, was not as easy as selling lemonade. Greg Lauter Turning Prompt Signs and Design from a concept Greg had while working as an employee in the design field into a freelance business run out of his home office and, finally, into a storefront operation in Tampa took years. It also took a lot of hard work, perseverance, experience and, of course, a strong customer base. That’s where DLT Solutions comes in. “DLT is our primary customer,” Greg said. “They come first before anybody. They will always be the number one client here.” Greg was working as a creative director at the corporate offices of a Tampa health club when one of his colleagues moved to Washington to work for DLT.  His former colleague introduced him to DLT and the relationship blossomed. With more than 15 years of experience in advertising and design, including some freelance experience under his belt, Greg was ready to branch out on his own. Greg began providing graphic design services, printing and signage for DLT. He quit his job at the health club and turned his freelance work into a full-fledged home business, with plans of quickly turning that into a storefront operation. “We had a graphic designer on staff for years, and when he left, we needed to fill the void he left,” said Christine Schaefer, vice president of marketing for DLT Solutions.  ‘By negotiating an agreement with Greg that promises him a certain amount of business each year to be first-in-line for his services and a guaranteed rate, we were able to fill the need at a lower cost than hiring another designer in-house.  It was a win-win that helped Greg as he was going out on his own.” In less than a year, Greg was able to accomplish his dream – thanks to the freelance customer base he had built up for years and his most important customer: DLT. Prompt Sign and Design“Sometimes you have to open your doors and cross your fingers and build your customer base the day you open your doors,” Greg said. Fortunately, Greg built his customer base before he opened his doors: “I have a steady base of customers, but DLT takes priority over any and all customers,” he said. “They’re my number one, and that’s how it has been for the last four years.” Today, Prompt Signs and Design is a successful business with a bustling shop. They provide agency-quality graphic design and print services, as well as signage, to dozens of customers across the country. “We have a very dynamic small business program here at DLT,” says Daryl Savage, vice president of contracts and general counsel for DLT.  “When Christine came forward with an idea for helping Greg as he was getting his own business off the ground, we worked to make it happen.  It had benefits for us – outsourcing graphic design for less than it costs to hire someone – but just as importantly, we believe in the federal government’s mission and actively work to help small businesses thrive in the U.S.” ,i>Submitted by Guest Writer: Stacey Makely, WilkinsonShein Communications for DLT Solutions