The new IT prototype

There is a dramatic shift underway in the federal technology landscape on a scale rarely seen more than once every decade or so. Computing environments are evolving from traditional on-premises-only to a hybrid strategy that migrates some infrastructure to the cloud, while keeping some critical systems onsite.

According to SolarWinds’ IT Trends Report 2016: The Hybrid IT Evolution, which includes a survey of government IT professionals, hybrid IT will continue to be the norm for the foreseeable future.

How Hyperconvergence Makes IT Easy and Affordable

When news broke last month that the Pentagon is still using 1970s-era floppy disks to run its nuclear program, most of us expressed incredulity. Unless you happen to work for the federal government that is.

According to federal CIO Tony Scott, the U.S. government spends 76% of its $88 billion IT budget on operating and maintaining out-of-date technologies – that’s three times what is spent on modern systems.

5 Times Technology Transformed Government (and Vice Versa)

If you were asked to name some of the biggest proponents and propagators of technology in the modern age, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates or Elon Musk might spring to mind.  But what about the U.S. government?

Yes, that right. Technology hasn’t just shaped how Uncle Sam does business (think citizen self-service tools, cybersecurity awareness, and more) the U.S government has also spurred innovation.

Modern Software Development: A Continuous Journey, Not A Delivery Destination

My wife and I recently hiked the Stony Man Trail in the Shenandoah National Park. It was so much fun that we hiked it again a few weeks later with our college-aged kids and close friends. The four-mile hike leads to a spectacular summit, but also provides beautiful views of different vistas along the way. Our group hiked at different paces, so my wife and I suggested short goals for everyone to pause at trail crossings so we did not have large gaps in our convoy. We took pictures along the way and at the summit, then proceeded back down the mountain to our cars...

SDN is Coming: Is the DOD Ready?

Like it or not, Software Defined Networking (SDN) is coming and although implementations may offer many of the benefits hyped by vendors last year, there are also a few unforeseen security and operational challenges. These SDN challenges aren’t unique – for the most part they’re the same faced by IT in general – only in the Department of Defense’s (DOD) case, they are on a larger sale than any enterprise on Earth.

Top 10 Trends to Impact Enterprise IT in 2016

The Internet of Things will continue to balloon while we’ll all still struggle with extracting value from Big Data. Those are the headline predictions from DLT partner and IT asset management leader, BDNA, in its 2016 IT Predictions Report.

BDNA did a solid job of predicting the trends that dominated enterprise IT in 2015, so we’re curious to see how this year’s forecast will pan out.

Here’s a snapshot of what we can expect: