Power to the People: How Federal IT Pros Can Benefit from Joining Online Communities

Whether seeking solutions to pressing problems, networking with like-minded professionals or researching products, professionals across nearly all industries benefit from participating in communities every day. For federal IT professionals specifically, online communities can be a goldmine of resources to help keep up with the constantly changing federal technology landscape.

Federal Agencies are Making Wasteful Year-End Buying Decisions

Are you concerned that your agency’s federal year-end spending spree can lead to the wrong buying decisions? Federal CIO, Tony Scott, is.

That’s just a really bad way to run IT,” said Scott at the Digital Government Institute’s 930Gov Conference in Washington, D.C. in late August.

With a background in the commercial sector (VMware, Microsoft and Disney), Scott is just getting used to the busy federal buying season that culminates in September, and he’s not liking it.

Top Tips for Choosing the Right IT Solution Provider this Federal Year-End

How to Make the Right IT Buying Decisions this Federal Year-End

Federal fiscal year-end. Busy, busy, busy! Given the plethora of companies competing for their share of fiscal year-end dollars, especially in the crowded IT market place, federal fiscal year-end is always a crazy time for procurement officials. The pressure is on to make the right buying decisions while moving the procurement process along as quickly as possible.

Is Fiscal Year-End Really a “Use It or Lose It” Crunch Time for Federal Buyers?

Federal fiscal year-end is right around the corner, but is it really the busy buying season that we’ve come to expect?

As any Fed or politico knows, September is traditionally the month that keeps purchasing officers on their toes and budget hawks in attack mode. As budgets expire, agencies are often perceived as rushing to spend excess funds in order to avert any impact on future budget appropriations.

If you were ever in any doubt, new research proves that this “use it or lose it” tendency among federal agencies is a very real thing.

Survey Shows IT Shared Services Offer Significant Benefits – and Some Challenges

As kids we learned a simple yet powerful lesson that taught us a lifelong truth: sharing resources leads to positive outcomes.

Today, federal IT managers are learning that lesson all over again. Except now, the toys being shared are managers and resources devoted to websites, content, performance, and infrastructure management, among other things.