Open Source – A Game Changer for Government Application Modernization

According to Federal Computer Week, federal agencies spend almost half of their annual IT budgets on supporting legacy applications. Even more worrying, about 47% of the government’s existing IT applications are based on legacy technology that needs modernizing.

While digital government innovation is on the rise, as evidenced by websites like and numerous state and local intra-agency and citizen-centric services, the underlying IT systems required to support these innovations – the middleware – is struggling to keep up.

Top 5 Reasons to Migrate Your Oracle Licenses

Ever wonder what to do with your old, out-of-date software licenses from Oracle? Technology is constantly improving and new programs are being developed all the time.  Some of those old programs are combined with others to form new product bundles, some are upgraded and repackaged, and some are simply retired and replaced by new programs.  Fortunately, the license migration is a way to make sure that your licenses remain useful and valuable over time as technologies and business needs evolve, and facilitates effective license management by you, the end user.

Use the Source, Luke

I was once told by a good friend that "open source is all well and good, but as a “John Doe” admin what do I need the source code for? It never does admins any good to have the source." At that time, I conceded. It probably wasn't as valuable for admins; it was for developers who need to change the behavior of something. Until today....