4 Exciting Features in the New Release of InfraWorks 360

The latest release of InfraWorks 360 (Autodesk's preliminary design software) became available for download on June 8, 2015 and includes some very nice improvements in functionality, including roadway design, drainage design, roundabout design, and more, as showcased in this blog from BIM on the Rocks.

By way of a summary, here's a sneak peek at what's new:

Roundabouts Got Easy

How to Put Together a BIM Training for Everyone

We all know BIM isn't just for the techy folks. Other stakeholders, like engineers, architects, project managers and facilities managers need to understand BIM concepts too. But these casual users are often under-served by BIM training. After all, these aren't always the people who attend Autodesk University and other technology training events which tend to focus on the people who actually use BIM software like Revit.

State & Local Agencies: Don't Lose Your Unspent FY'2015 Funding

State and local fiscal year-end is fast approaching, and it's a great time to make an investment in design software and services. After all, unspent funding is not only a lost opportunity, it may send a signal to budget-setters that they should reduce funding next year.

With Autodesk's 2016 software release now fully rolled out, now is a great time to review your design, visualization and collaboration needs and make the most of your remaining budget.

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