Visualizing VPC Networking

Jetlag is a mind killer.

Anyone who has ever had to regularly brave the US Airport Circus to make sure the checks don’t bounce at the end of the month, understands that jetlag isn’t something that only hits you the day after you travel. The confused, fuzzy-headed filter will occasionally slam down on your poor hapless brain anywhere from 24 to 168 hours after landing back in your home time zone.

AWS CloudFront Housekeeping: Programmatically Cleaning the Cache

Content Delivery Networks (“CDNs”) do a good job of keeping themselves clean and up-to-date. However, sometimes the origin systems/applications/webpages we are using go through a big update and/or we’d like to have a hard cut-over to a new edition or version of our sites. Having the old versions of the files hanging around in the CDN could cause delays in the roll out, or strange behaviors in our web application.

3 Tips for Choosing a Hybrid Cloud Managed Service Provider

Transitioning to the cloud? Chances are, when you make the transition, you’ll take baby steps – assessing your workloads in totality and individually, determining the most efficient platform, preparing thoroughly and then migrating just that workload, then the next, and so on. It’s standard procedure and is the best way to proceed with minimal risk.

What you’ve done here is create a hybrid environment. Most of your IT is still on-premise, but certain workloads are in the cloud. And it’s likely to stay that way.

Here’s a pop quiz: What is Your Cloud Readiness Factor (CRF)?

Cloud computing is no doubt on the mind of IT teams at every college and university. But moving to the cloud isn’t just an IT decision. The unique culture within Higher Ed impacts how cloud buying decisions are made. For example, students inhabit a multi-platform world and expect interoperability across devices and desktops. Funding and procurement is another consideration.

Kansas City Agency Modernizes PeopleSoft Application, Moves to the Cloud, Saves $$

When a longtime customer was looking to modernize its legacy Human Capital Management (HCM) system, they turned to DLT Solutions, US Communities and Oracle to make the procurement fast and easy.

Check out this video of the Kansas City Board of Public Utilities’ Director of IT, Paul Pauesick, discussing how he and the agency are, “looking to save around $1.8M in the next five years,” by moving to the cloud.

Three Things That Make Hybrid Clouds So Great for Agencies

For many federal agencies, the decision to deploy public or private clouds has come down to this: they’re going with both. They’re embracing hybrid clouds.

It’s really no surprise given that federal IT is balancing the need for greater agility, flexibility, and innovation, with strict security control. Hybrid clouds provide the perfect alternative, because they allow agencies to become more nimble and efficient while still maintaining control.

Is your Agency Desperately Seeking Cloud Talent?

While cloud adoption is progressing at all levels of government – federal, state, and local – there are also regular reminders of the challenges. Cloud security is frequently cited as the main cause for concern, but an overwhelming two thirds of agency staff recently surveyed by Accenture said their agency lacked the necessary skilled staff to execute the Cloud First strategy.

According to the federal managers surveyed: