For over 30 years, TD SYNNEX Public Sector has been dedicated to solving public sector IT challenges. TD SYNNEX Public Sector has knowledge and experience helping public sector customers acquire the technology solutions they need, a vast contract portfolio, and a robust collection of technology solutions across six strategic solution sets — TD SYNNEX Public Sector makes it easy to find, select, and buy the solutions you need.
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Case Study
In this case study, a Federal Agency agency worked closely with Nuix to develop a solution that fit its unique needs.
Case Study
Nuix workstation saves hours of processing time versus other similar pre-eDiscovery review tools.
Nuix has advocated for many years that investigators need to evolve beyond traditional forensic tools and workflows, so they can efficiently examine the contents of multiple evidence sources at once.
Government organizations face growing volumes of data and increasing pressure to provide information more transparently. At the same time, they must maintain the privacy of citizens’ data, reduce costs and provide user-friendly digital services and interfaces – letting users access data and services at the touch of a finger.
Using Nuix Investigation Software and Specialist Tools to Create a Seamless Workflow
Data loss, theft, and misuse are more common in government agencies than we care to admit. Most cybersecurity practitioners concede that they can’t prevent every attack they face. Coupled with the increasing value criminals place on our data, wherever it’s stored—social media accounts, commercial databases, and even U.S. Government servers—personally identifiable information (PII) is one of our most valuable assets.
We launched the GovDesignHub to celebrate the different ways that these CAD and BIM solutions are powering innovation, creation and design across the government. This publication will look at the ways that CAD and BIM digital design solutions are making dreams into realities and bringing concepts to life.
Case Study
The articulated intent, to "lead an open and transparent process to identify and promote action by appropriate stakeholders to improve the resilience of the Internet and communications ecosystem and to encourage collaboration with the goal of dramatically reducing threats perpetrated by automated and distributed attacks (e.g., botnets)" is timely and appropriate.
Data Sheet
Despite regulatory and administrative requirements, the public sector continues to be attacked and exploited by sophisticated threat actors. The fragmentation of security resources leaves federal, state and local agencies constantly fighting fires throughout the enterprise.
Data Sheet
CrowdStrike’s Falcon MalQuery is an advanced, cloud-based malware research tool that enables security professionals and researchers to quickly search a massive dataset of malware samples, validating potential risks and staying ahead of would-be attackers.
Data Sheet
The global CrowdStrike Falcon Intelligence™ team tracks adversaries of all types — nation-state, criminal, hacktivist — to provide the customized and actionable intelligence you need to stay ahead of disruptive threat actors targeting your organization.
Data Sheet
The CrowdStrike Falcon® platform was designed to be open, with a focus on providing rich APIs to allow customers and partners to benefit from its power. The Falcon platform APIs access CrowdStrike cloud data, enabling you to leverage your existing security investments and enhance your protection.
The radical shift in the scale and economics of cybercrime calls for an equally radical change in how IT protects user systems. Whether it is from phishing attempts, drive-by-downloads, or malware-free intrusion techniques, endpoints are usually at the spear tip of assaults on enterprise networks.
One of the fastest growing threats in cybersecurity today, ransomware is quickly becoming the favored means for cybercriminals to extract a profit from unsuspecting victims. As ransomware mushrooms with new malware variants and new ways of scamming victims, businesses can no longer afford to discount it as a consumer-only problem.
The NIST Cybersecurity Framework offers federal agencies a flexible approach to securing today's multifaceted IT systems.