Device security is no longer about traditional antivirus versus next-generation endpoint protection. The truth is you need a layered and integrated defense that protects your entire digital terrain and all types of devices—traditional and nontraditional. ESG Senior Principal Analyst Jon Oltsik frames it this way: "… endpoint security should no longer be defined as antivirus software. No disrespect to tried-and-true AV, but endpoint security now spans a continuum that includes advanced prevention technologies, endpoint security controls, and advanced detection/response tools."
For the past two years, Sumo Logic has produced the first and only industry report that quantitatively defines the state of the Modern App Stack. Working with our customers, we continue to see rapid advances in tools and processes used by various enterprise personas to build, run and secure modern applications. This third annual report extends our analysis to DevSecOps, a new and innovative trend that is rapidly growing amongst our customers.
Insider cybersecurity threats are much more prevalent than most of us realize. IBM estimates that 60% of all cyberattacks are perpetrated by those with insider access1; McAfee cites enterprise insiders as a major source of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) sold on the dark web, particularly in the healthcare industry; and at least two-thirds of major corporations reported insider threat incidents in 20163 ranging from file theft and destruction to selling passwords and deliberately sabotaging critical systems. Over 40% of U.S. government agencies report such incidents every year. It's a serious—yet incredibly overlooked—risk.
Year after year, investigations performed after breaches and other security incidents reveal that the majority of security incidents occur because well-known security controls and practices were not implemented or were not working as organizations had assumed. And the major problem in cyber security remains a lack of defined and repeatable processes for selecting, implementing and monitoring the security controls that are most effective against real-world threats.
Security and compliance remain at the forefront of concerns facing security leaders today. Tackling the challenge of finding and addressing risks in the enterprise while demonstrating compliance with increasingly demanding regulations requires the maturity and discipline to adopt and follow a complete security risk and compliance lifecycle.
Security organizations must rethink their vulnerability management programs. They need to monitor complex, dynamic computing environments, and respond in minutes or hours when issues are discovered—not days or weeks.
Nuix has advocated for many years that investigators need to evolve beyond traditional forensic tools and workflows, so they can efficiently examine the contents of multiple evidence sources at once.
Government organizations face growing volumes of data and increasing pressure to provide information more transparently. At the same time, they must maintain the privacy of citizens’ data, reduce costs and provide user-friendly digital services and interfaces – letting users access data and services at the touch of a finger.
Using Nuix Investigation Software and Specialist Tools to Create a Seamless Workflow
Data loss, theft, and misuse are more common in government agencies than we care to admit. Most cybersecurity practitioners concede that they can’t prevent every attack they face. Coupled with the increasing value criminals place on our data, wherever it’s stored—social media accounts, commercial databases, and even U.S. Government servers—personally identifiable information (PII) is one of our most valuable assets.
The radical shift in the scale and economics of cybercrime calls for an equally radical change in how IT protects user systems. Whether it is from phishing attempts, drive-by-downloads, or malware-free intrusion techniques, endpoints are usually at the spear tip of assaults on enterprise networks.
One of the fastest growing threats in cybersecurity today, ransomware is quickly becoming the favored means for cybercriminals to extract a profit from unsuspecting victims. As ransomware mushrooms with new malware variants and new ways of scamming victims, businesses can no longer afford to discount it as a consumer-only problem.
This EMA white paper discusses the top findings of this study. It provides a snapshot of the key challenges and "must haves" associated with automating the management, performance, and availability of complex, modern applications, as voiced by the IT professionals themselves.
Learn the essentials of APM and build your case for adopting an APM solution in your enterprise
The rise of notification technology has coincided with an increase in citizen demands for transparent communications from their leaders. Residents are expecting immediate and accurate information about the events and issues that affect their community. As a result, mass notification systems have gained a significant foothold in local governments. It has now become the norm for local officials to reach out to citizens via phone, email, text – even social media – at a moment’s notice. With this new emphasis on transparent communications, local governments must carefully assess their methods for protecting increasing volumes of citizen information. What are the ramifications of this data falling into the hands of unauthorized parties? And how can government leaders ensure this personal information is protected? The risks and challenges cannot be underestimated. 