Advancing Data in Homeland Security With Informatica and DLT

New laws and expectations for organizing and using data are leading to sweeping reforms across government agencies, with major implications for future data uses in homeland security, defense, and national security. With changes from the Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act of 2018 (Evidence Act) and the recently published Federal Data Strategy (FDS) 2021 Action Plan, the Department of Homeland Security established Chief Data Officer positions throughout the Department and coordinated activities through a departmental Data Governance Board.

Hyperscience 101: Human-Centered Automation

Every day, government agencies must process millions of applications, claims forms, tax documents and other pages to respond to constituent requests and keep operations running. To keep up with demand, government agencies are upgrading their existing document process workflows with the latest in AI-powered automation. Forward-thinking agencies at all levels are looking beyond OCR, RPA and other legacy technologies and turning to intelligent automation to increase throughput without sacrificing accuracy.

Dynatrace Perform 2022

Learn here, innovate everywhere, with the industry’s best Hands-on Training (HoT) sessions and available Dynatrace Certification attempts, exclusively at our live event in Las Vegas. You’ll get answers and insights directly from our instructors, and grow your expertise across topics like:

Editor Tricks and Tools in Toad for Developers - Webinar

Toad for Oracle base is an amazing tool for Oracle Developers. Most Toad users are aware that with Toad base you can quickly write sql for on-premise or in the cloud Oracle databases. Toad’s Editor can format, give hints, help with code correctness, maintainability, code efficiency and more. Manage all your scripts from a central location. Run multiple SQL Statements and long running SQL at the same time. Quickly identify poor SQL and Optimize in Toad. Generate database documentation easily for all the database objects in multiple databases.

Getting Up to Speed on Cyber: Why Software Security is More Critical Than Ever

Rampant cyber-attacks. A rapidly shifting hybrid work environment. Increasingly complex open-source software solutions.

Those are just a few of the reasons why it’s never been more important for IT leaders to prioritize application security. For state and local government and education organizations, application security must be made a focus throughout the entire development life cycle, protecting against breaches from end to end.

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