
How secure is your user access to AWS infrastructure and workloads? Security to protect every user’s access to apps, endpoints and infrastructure when moving to the cloud is a hot topic. AWS’ shared responsibility model means that security and compliance is just that, shared between AWS and the customer.
Cloud Computing, Uncategorized
Are you thinking of moving your databases to the cloud? Perhaps, you’re thinking about transitioning to database-as-a-service (DBaaS)? But what’s involved? What hurdles must be overcome and how do you chart a path to cloud migration of your most sensitive workloads? Why Move Databases to the Cloud? Migrating to the cloud offers several benefits to public sector database administrators (DBAs).
Buildings, CAD General, Infrastructure
A few years ago, Autodesk launched its cloud strategy. A commitment to bring cloud-based solutions to all of its vertical industry offerings. A core cloud offering, BIM 360 is a cloud-based design collaboration tool for the building and construction. It represents a shift from the “modeling” to the “information” phase of BIM – Autodesk calls it “Connected BIM”. BIM 360 connects design and construction across the project lifecycle using intuitive, linked workflows.
CAD General, Infrastructure, Technology
When it comes to transportation and site design projects, they all have one thing in common – when finished they need to accommodate a variety of different vehicles, from cars to fire trucks, airplanes to school buses. As a result, it’s important that these vehicle maneuvers be analyzed and incorporated throughout the entire design process. Autodesk Vehicle Tracking (AVT) can help.
IT Perspective, Technology
Automation, more specifically IT Automation. What is it, who's using it, why is it important? Lets start with what it is. . . IT Automation is the use of software to create repeatable instructions and processes, also known as a playbook, with the intention of replacing or reducing the amount of human interaction required with IT systems. But wait. . . Doesn't that mean they're coming for our jobs?!?! No, but it does mean that instead of running around your environment putting out fires, you can spend more time focusing on big picture items and other processes.
Government agencies store large volumes of information. Yet poor data quality and a lack of collaboration across functions can be stumbling blocks to information governance.  Some of the data is dirty, messy, and non-standardized making data sharing a challenge. Without holistic data governance, data is chaotic But some organizations still see data governance as it used to be – siloed projects focused on compliance. Government enterprises spend all their time struggling to implement data governance. And, in the end, no one trusts the data.