
Identity and Access Management (IAM) is the art and science of ensuring that someone is who they say claim to be. This ensures that they have the correct level of access to systems and data – enough to do their job, but no more. IAM systems cover a wide range of features, but typically include:
Cybersecurity assessment initiatives and frameworks abound in the US government, the most important being the Federal Information Systems Management Act (FISMA), passed in 2002.  The law’s broad scope included a mandate to the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), charging it to create methods and standards to assess and optimize the cybersecurity posture of US government agencies.
While there has been a steady increase in the adoption of DevOps in the federal government – 75% of CIOs report that their organizations are now adopting it – many public sector organizations struggle to adapt to the DevOps culture. Challenges to Using DevOps in the Public Sector
If you’re worried about your next database migration or upgrade, you’re not alone. A survey revealed that 90% of DBAs are worried too. It’s not surprising, these projects are a serious source of stress and must be performed speedily and with minimal downtime. There are several reasons why migration projects fail. Typical pitfalls include:
Big Data & Analytics
The purpose of this workshop is to provide senior-level executives with a framework and set of actionable steps to understand and assess the data maturity of their organization. By leveraging the Federal Government Data Maturity Model (FGDMM), attendees will engage in "hands-on" exercises to articulate a data strategy and roadmap for their agency. At this workshop, you will hear from a number of industry leaders as they share their experiences with Data Strategy and Management, including:
“Hope for the best, plan for the worst”. This ancient principle still applies, especially for systems with high availability requirements. Principles are easy to quote, but how does an organization implement them effectively?