IT Perspective, Uncategorized
The latest data on the progress of federal government agencies’ implementation of the Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act (FITARA) was released on June 26 by the House Oversight and Reform Committee as Scorecard 8.0.
Although state and local technology leaders are increasingly prioritizing cybersecurity in their operations, government has a long way to go in securing critical information and systems from cyberattacks.
In light of this struggle, Route Fifty, in partnership with CrowdStrike, recently hosted a webcast that showcases the work of state and local governments who have undergone a transformation in cybersecurity protocols – and the challenges they continue to face.
In a recent blog post, DLT Chief Technology Officer David Blankenhorn shared his insight on DLT’s evolution to a government solutions aggregator:
Benefits and social security fraud are a huge cost to taxpayers. In 2016, the White House estimated these losses at $144 billion. Fraud can take many forms from making false statements on a social security claim, misuse of benefits by a family member or friend, altering claims, duplicate billing for the same service, embezzlement, and so on.
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2018 marks the 15th year of the National Cybersecurity Awareness Month, a government/industry effort – observed every October – that works to ensure every American has the resources they need to “be safer and more secure online” and educating everyone about the roles they play in helping to safeguard the internet.
Each year, the cyber security community puts out new statistics on data breaches. While certain sectors face a different mix of threats, many of them evolving year-after-year, once constant remains – the deficit between the time a system is compromised and the time that breach is discovered.