
Big Data & Analytics
Data continues to transform the public sector in meaningful and compelling ways. As a vast creator and consumer of data, government agencies have a unique opportunity to revolutionize their decision-making power by utilizing data to the fullest.
IT Perspective
​The SolarWinds Team at DLT is excited to announce after rigorous testing, the ​SolarWinds Orion® Suite for Federal Government v3.0 has been placed on the Department of Defense Information Network (DoDIN) Approved Products List (APL). The Orion Suite also has Common Criteria certification. The Orion Suite for Federal Government v3.0 includes:
Big Data
The end of the federal fiscal year is a great time for public sector decision-makers to consider how their respective organizations can get a head start on supporting the Federal Data Strategy Action Plan. The current draft of the plan, which is scheduled to be finalized by September, contains several recommendations required to be completed within a 3-, 6- or 12-month timeframe.
Federal Fiscal Year End, IT Perspective
The month of September marks the busiest buying season for the federal government. In the final month of fiscal year 2018, an astonishing $97 billion was spent on 509, 828 contracts. On average, this equates to $3.2 billion per day. September is also getting busier and busier. Between 2015 and 2018 spending increased by 39%.
Federal Fiscal Year End, Uncategorized
The old business adage runs, “Nothing happens until somebody sells something.” To which you might add this corollary: nothing good happens in the absence of strong requirements.
IT Perspective
It’s the most wonderful time of the year…as the song goes and that is also true of the U.S. Federal IT market right now. The month of September marks the end of the fiscal year and the beginning of the federal government’s annual spending frenzy. Federal agencies scramble to spend what’s left in their budgets, in fear that leaving excess funds will prompt Congress to send less in the following year. We call it “use it or lose it” spending, and it happens every year.