
DevSecOps, Open Source
You say “DevOps”, I say “what about DevSecOps?”. But neither exists in a silo. If you’re taking advantage of DevOps tools and methods, you need to integrate DevSecOps into the mix. In other words, IT security must play an integrated role in the full lifecycle of your apps. But what is DevSecOps? For this, we turn to DLT partner, Red Hat, who has put together a user-friendly guide to DevSecOps.
IT Infrastructure
By Brandon Shopp, VP of Product Strategy, SolarWinds Software-defined networking (SDN) offers the promise of improved security, more automation, increased flexibility, and significantly fewer hardware dependencies. Though SDN also offers enhanced management and monitoring capabilities, understanding how to monitor this type of network will be critical to a successful implementation.
Cloud, Cloud Computing
It has been 10 years since the U.S. government began warming to cloud computing, beginning with the federal Cloud First initiative in 2010 leading to today’s Cloud Smart strategy – a game plan for bringing processes and applications into a new hardware environment.But to take advantage full advantage of a cloud-driven ecosystem, the government must have more than just a cloud strategy. Agencies also need a data strategy.What is a cloud data strategy?
Big Data, Big Data & Analytics, Market Intelligence
Since the release of the final Federal Data Strategy Action Plan (henceforth FDSAP) the end of last year, much has been written about the Federal Data Strategy. However, little has been written to connect the important role it can play in enabling the adoption of AI within the federal public sector.
Big Data, Big Data & Analytics
Is data the new bacon? The world’s most valuable resource? That fuel that powers the digital enterprise? The most successful companies in the world – Google, Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, etc. – use data to drive business strategies. Being insight-driven isn’t just the domain of consumer tech. Government agencies rely on data to make informed and quick decision making, enhance productivity, improve transparency and build trust with citizens, eliminate fraud and abuse, reduce crime and security threats, and more.
IT Perspective
2019 has ended with more uncertainty than normal—even than the federal government is used to. Last year at this time, of course, Christmas brought the advent of a record-long lapse in appropriations for about half the departments and agencies. The exceptions of Homeland Security, Defense and Veterans Affairs kept IT dollars flowing, but the partial shutdown left its mark nonetheless. The ugly impeachment process working its way down the hall from the house to the Senate might be a psychic distraction but will have no effect on IT procurement.